I had the opportunity to work with Celine in occasion of the preparation of the Interreg Annual Event 2017 promoted by the EU Commission.
This was an amazing experience that inspired me professionally and personally. The EU territorial cooperation framework is quite complex due to cultural and linguistic differences among people, but Celine has always been able to apply and maintain the constructive approach for steering the activities and manage the processes.
I’m very thankful to her since I realized immediately that she pulled out of me more than I thought to be able to perform at that time professionally and she taught me that working with others means sharing and listening others while calling continuously yourself into question, that is sometimes hard and structured process requiring a lot of effort but returning many positive effects and creating unusual long-lasting links between people.
That is the reason why I see Celine as great-hearted generous friend who takes you by the hand and provides you at each step of your path the new tools and cognition on how to face challenges, supporting you to activate any of your (hidden) potentials in reaching desired goals.