Coaching supervision
We explore benchmarking, the discussion of ethical dilemmas and adding perspective on the quality of coaching practice.
Individual supervision
For certified coaches
Face to face or virtual
250 € H.T. for a 1h30 session
Virtual Supervision group in EnglishNew supervision groups in English, with Céline, start every January
Six sessions are scheduled with the group. They are meeting virtually.
Virtual supervision is held using Zoom video conferencing, including the use of breakout rooms, with 4 members and sessions lasting 3 hours.
Times are chosen so that members can take part from around the world.
A minimum level of English is required
The cost for 2021 is €1500 + VAT
As with most support professions, professional coaching involves the recourse to a supervisory mechanism. It is a process to foster growth, ethics, and professionalism, with a view to better serving the coachees.
Supervision is an ongoing process to which the coach refers at sufficient, regular intervals, within the same framework of confidentiality as actual coaching. It can take place as a dual relationship with the supervisor (individual supervision) and/or within a group with a supervisor (collective supervision or group supervision).
Supervision hinges on a specific contractual approach: the coach’s supervisor cannot be their trainer (in coaching or any other skill), nor can their therapist, peer, colleague or associate. Groups to exchange practices cannot replace supervision.
We believe that experience and seniority are not enough to make someone a good supervisor. We disagree with self-proclamation.
The EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council, which has 5,000 members in Europe) has developed and continues to develop quality standards for coaches (accreditation), for coach trainers, and now also for coach supervisors, and for the training of coach supervisors.
Our supervisors have all been certified by a school having obtained the ESTQA (European Supervision Training Quality Award) from the EMCC.
We are founding members of the PSF, the Professional Supervisors Federation.